Rabies Vaccines And Your Kitty

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About Me

Taking My Animal To The Vet After weeks of dealing with a dog that didn't seem to be doing too well, I realized that there had to be something I could do. I began looking around for a great veterinarian who could help, and I was able to find an excellent provider that accepted my insurance. They were really great to work with, and they came to our rescue when our animal seemed past the point of return. I wanted to start a new blog that would help other people to learn when to take their dogs, cats, birds, and other animals to the vet when they need to.




Cats should have a number of vaccines in order to maintain their health and prevent disease. Perhaps the most important of these vaccines is the rabies vaccine. Not only does the rabies shot protect your cat, but it also protects you, the cat's owner, from contracting this deadly virus from your cat. Here are a few common questions people often have about rabies vaccines for their cats.

Do indoor cats need rabies shots?  

Yes, even cats who live indoors need rabies shots. Although rabies is mostly spread by wildlife and indoor cats don't typically have contact with wildlife, there are exceptions. Your cat could be bitten by a bat, and you may never know about it. Bats carry rabies. Your cat could also sneak outdoors and get in a battle with a raccoon. Having them vaccinated is an important level of protection.

How often do cats need rabies shots?

Your cat's first rabies shot will be good for one year. After that, they can get booster shots, which are each good for one year. Kittens are usually given their first rabies shot at 12 - 16 weeks of age. If your kitten is older than this and has not yet had its first rabies shot, make an appointment with your vet as soon as possible.

Why do vets need to give rabies shots?

While it's not usually a good idea to do so, people can legally vaccinate their cats for some diseases at home. This is not an option with rabies. Since rabies is so deadly and since rabies laws exist to protect people, rabies shots can only be given by a licensed veterinarian. When your cat is vaccinated, your vet will give you a certificate listing their veterinary license number and the date of the vaccine. This will be your roof of the rabies shot.

Is the rabies shot safe?

Yes. The rabies shot for cats has been around for a long time. Some cats have minor side effects like stiffness and tiredness after a rabies shot. However, serious side effects are very, very rare, and the benefits far outweigh the risks for the great majority of cats. 

Now that you know a little more about rabies vaccines for cats, you can go ahead and make an appointment. Your vet can answer more questions about pet vaccinations. Before you know it, your cat will have had their shot, and all will be well.

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