Symptoms That May Suggest Giardia In Your Dog

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About Me

Taking My Animal To The Vet After weeks of dealing with a dog that didn't seem to be doing too well, I realized that there had to be something I could do. I began looking around for a great veterinarian who could help, and I was able to find an excellent provider that accepted my insurance. They were really great to work with, and they came to our rescue when our animal seemed past the point of return. I wanted to start a new blog that would help other people to learn when to take their dogs, cats, birds, and other animals to the vet when they need to.




If you enjoy taking your dog on hikes in which the animal isn't on its leash, it's important to be able to control the pet with verbal commands. Doing so can help to prevent it from going into areas that could compromise its health. For example, if you're hiking and come across a beaver pond, some dogs might be eager to run into it — perhaps to cool off in the water or maybe because they're excited about the scent of beavers in the air. Doing so can be risky, as beavers often carry a parasite called giardia that a dog can contract from swimming in the water. If your dog has been in contact with a beaver pond, here are some symptoms that could indicate the presence of this bacteria.

Chronic Diarrhea

Dogs can develop diarrhea for all sorts of reasons, but if your pet is experiencing this issue on a chronic basis after being in contact with a beaver pond, it can be an early warning sign that the dog could have giardia. Try to note the consistency of the dog's feces during each of its bowel movements. If the diarrhea is chronic, and your pet is needing to go outside soon after eating or at multiple points during the day to have a bowel movement, you should contact your animal hospital to explain the situation.


Fever is another prevalent symptom of giardia. People often call this medical condition "beaver fever" given that it results in fever as a result of exposure to beavers. A dog may exhibit several different symptoms that suggest it has a fever. For example, it will almost certainly show signs of decreased energy, and it may also have a runny nose and ears that feel hot to the touch. Some dog owners may feel comfortable taking their pet's temperature; if you don't, you'll want to visit the clinic right away.


It's also common for a dog to vomit if it's been exposed to the giardia parasite. Similar to diarrhea, dogs can vomit for a number of different reasons. Giardia is a likely cause for the vomiting, however, if you know that your dog has been exposed to water that beavers have been in. It's important to know that giardia can be very serious for a dog, so if you're aware of any signs that your dog may have this parasite, you should get in contact with the local animal hospital right away.

Visit a service like Marquette Animal Hospital if you are in need of assistance. 

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